How to quickly unsubscribe from people in vk. How to unsubscribe from a person in VK

  1. How to unsubscribe from a person in VK via phone
  2. Unsubscribe on user page
  3. Second way
  4. Video lesson: how to quickly unsubscribe from people on vk
  5. From email newsletters
  6. From some user

Active users of the social network VKontakte often add friends of interest to their friends, who in return can be left as followers. At the same time, it remains possible to view the updates of the person you are subscribed to, but he does not appear in your friends list. How to unsubscribe from such people is described in our article.

We go to the page to the person whose updates we want to unsubscribe from. Under the photo we find the "Unsubscribe" button and boldly click on it. Done, now you do not see the updates that appear on this person on the page.

Sometimes the question arises, how to unsubscribe from a person in VK, if he has restricted access to his page. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. We go to "My friends"
  2. In the drop-down list above, select “Applications to friends”, then select “Outbox”.
  3. A list of people you follow will appear. Next to the profile there is a button “Cancel the application and unsubscribe”, which you need to click to play the specified action.

Next to the profile there is a button “Cancel the application and unsubscribe”, which you need to click to play the specified action

If a person simply deleted you from friends, but updates to his page still appear in the feed of your news, this means that you have remained in his subscribers. To fix the problem, you should go to the "Applications for Friends", then to the "Outgoing Applications", find the necessary person from the list and click the "Unsubscribe" button.

How to unsubscribe from a person in VK via phone

If you know. You can unsubscribe to whom you can unsubscribe in a simple, verified way: go to the user’s page and look for the inscription “You sent the application.”, Click once on this message and click on the “Cancel the application” message. Done - you instantly unsubscribed from the user.

If you don’t know who you are following, go to your page on the phone and look for the “Subscriptions” sign, after clicking on which a list of users with your subscription appears. In order to unsubscribe, simply click on the appropriate button next to the user profile.

Here, in fact, is all the information on how to unsubscribe from a person in the VKontakte social network. This can be done using a computer or phone - in any case, this operation does not take much time. It is recommended that you periodically check the list of people you are subscribed to, because when you are removed from friends, they automatically transfer you to the status of a subscriber.

We have already figured out that when you send a request to a person as a friend, you automatically switch to the status of his subscriber (see). Now you will see its updates in the news. You will be in the list of subscribers until a person adds you as a friend or removes them (see).

But you yourself can change your mind. And now I will show you how to unsubscribe from a person in VK .

Unsubscribe on user page

Go to the page to the person to whom you sent the application. You can try again to write to him about the need to accept you as friends (see). But we need to figure out how to unsubscribe from it.

Find the user’s avatar and click on the “You are subscribed” button. A menu will open - there click "Unsubscribe."

Second way

Open the "Friends" section. Go to the "Applications for Friends" menu, and open the "Outbox" tab. Here are all the users we are subscribed to. Just click on the “Unsubscribe” button.

Video lesson: how to quickly unsubscribe from people on vk


Use any of these methods to cancel the application and stop receiving user updates.

In contact with

The Internet and social networks are today, as two whole parts of one apple. Now almost every second is registered in one or another social network. Communication with friends allows us to get the most out of the process itself. And various entertainments, for example, VKontakte, will give you the opportunity of a good and free source of relaxation.

From email newsletters

VKontakte has such a function. If someone is added to your friends or some other significant event occurs for you, then to you on email (which you entered during registration or after) a letter of the appropriate type is sent: "So-and-so user has been added to your friends." Over time, such “interesting” letters accumulate a huge amount, and your mailbox can be completely full.

If you went to your email address, and once again saw that a letter with new updates has arrived again, do not rush to despair. You can unsubscribe from this interesting newsletter very quickly and simply. At the end of the letter, pay your precious attention to the line "You can limit or cancel the email notification in the settings." Click on the link and configure as you wish.

From some user

We sorted out the email address. We are going further. One of the most popular Vkontakte features is the ability to subscribe to the pages of interesting people. If, once, you subscribed to updates, some, for example, celebrities, and now they are no longer interesting to you (they no longer have, for example, interesting ones), then you are probably wondering how to unsubscribe on VKontakte social networks from these already uninteresting pages?

To begin with, you will need to go to the page of the person from whose page you want to unsubscribe. There, under the profile picture, you will see the inscription "You are subscribed to." Hover over this caption and you will see the corresponding pop-up window. "You sent this user a friend request, and also subscribed to updates to his page. Cancel." Here on the link "Cancel" just need to click. Everything! Now, in your "news" there will be no more information from this user. And you, in turn, will not be listed in its subscribers.
If you want to unsubscribe from some of your fans, fans, then you will need to go to the page with your subscribers and click on the cross next to the avatar of the person you want to delete. After that, the user will be removed from your subscribers. It will also be blacklisted.

You now know how to unsubscribe from VKontakte. As you can see, there is absolutely nothing complicated in these actions. By the way, if you do not want the person you unsubscribed on the black list, after some time, just delete him from there. He will no longer be subscribed to your updates, but at the same time, he will not be on the black list either. Such a little trick. To remove a user from the black list, go to your VK page, then go to "My settings", select the "Black list" tab, find the desired user in this list (you can even use the search) and click on the "Remove from list" button, which located right next to the avatar and the name of the user.

Hello ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about painful ?! Here we will look at: how to unsubscribe from VKontakte from a person, how to find out who unsubscribed from VKontakte - which of your friends dropped you as subscribers, how to unsubscribe from VKontakte groups of public pages, games, applications and intrusive news.

Your attention will be offered several ways to solve the problem with subscribers, as well as a little digression into history for beginners. Until 2011, in the VC, under the avatar of any page, there were two buttons - “subscribe to updates” and “add to friends”, which in my opinion more accurately and correctly shared the famous, interesting writers and those who want to communicate and make friends. In October, the right to choose was taken - friends and subscribers were blinded into one big “heap”, the era of “govnozvezdy” began ...

How to subscribe VKontakte.
It is enough to click on the “add to friends” button, you automatically become a subscriber, and this does not matter whether the person reciprocates or ignores your offer. You also become a subscriber if you are cunning. I asked you to be friends, and after a couple of days removed you from these.

Now it’s not at all necessary to write well, make your page interesting, just add to your friends and then quietly drop them into subscribers, and that’s all - the popular “govnozvezdy” page is ready. With such a flick of the wrist, VKontakte subscribers from prof. fitness turned into an indicator of the worminess of the individual.

№1 How to unsubscribe VKontakte from a person.
If a specific person gored you, we go to the page of this user, pay attention to the column with an avatar, we look down at it. You will see several sections: friends, online friends, interesting pages, and then four links. The key one is to remove from friends, click and wait for the page to refresh. Two more links will appear, click on - block ... so you can not only unsubscribe from VKontakte from the person, get rid of the subscription, but also close the full access of the pest to your page. He cannot write to you, but even look at your notes on the wall.

№2 How to find out who unsubscribed from VKontakte.
In order to find out who impudently threw you into VKontakte subscribers - open your page. To the left of the avatar we click on the link - “My Friends”, in the updated window to the right we see three more - “All Friends”, “Friends Online”, click on - “Applications for Friends”. Three more will appear under it, click on - “Outgoing requests”.

The whole gang of cunningly “govnozvezdy” will open before you, it was these devils who asked for your friends, and then quietly dropped you into the subscribers of the contact. For the most arrogant, you can apply method No. 1, for those who have not crap on your page, use the "Cancel Application and Unsubscribe" button. As you can see, it’s not so difficult to find out who has unsubscribed from VKontakte, check outgoing applications from time to time, do not let rot creep, social network will be a little cleaner.

№3 How to unsubscribe from a VKontakte subscription.
This method is applicable to public pages of users (analogue of groups) to which you subscribed at someone’s request or personal interest. You can see them at the bottom of the column with an avatar - “Interesting Pages”. In order to unsubscribe from the pages, we find just below the avatar “My subscribers” - click.

A window with buttons pops up: “Subscribers” are those who have applied for friends and have not yet received your approval, “Interesting pages” are those whom you follow, click. In order to get rid of the subscription of forgotten VKontakte pages, click on the word “Unsubscribe”. Thus, you will get rid of the influx of unnecessary news and messages.

№4 How to unsubscribe from VKontakte groups.
After you deigned to find out who unsubscribed on VKontakte, laundered yourself from the "stars" of the contact, unnecessary public pages, I recommend not to stop there and continue to fight information spam. It will not be superfluous to unsubscribe from VKontakte groups to which you have lost interest. Again, pay attention to the menu to the left of the avatar, click "My Groups", click on the name that is superfluous. And now on the right under the picture of the group we click - “Leave the group”.

Next, in the menu on the left, click on the phrase “My groups” again, select the next “victim” .... In such a simple way you can unsubscribe from unnecessary VKontakte groups and leave a subscription only to those that really hooked you.

For unsubscribing from groups, I do not recommend using third party programs and applications ala botovod - in the best case, get a ban for two weeks, in the worst case you will be unsubscribed from the contact forever. As they say - stay away from sin, try to unsubscribe from VKontakte groups with your pens, it will be both more reliable and painless.

No. 5 How to unsubscribe from VKontakte games and applications.
Bored games that have become unnecessary applications VKontakte are also informational garbage. You can get rid of any kind of news and reminders by clicking on the button in the menu - “Applications”. In the window that opens, at the top, we find “My Applications” and “Alerts”. In applications, move the mouse cursor to the upper right corner of the application frame, a cross appears, click and do goodbye.

In alerts, we can simply block the alerts from a specific application. If you don’t see the “Applications” button, click on “My Settings” - “General”, check the menu items you need, refresh the page.

That's all, now you know how to unsubscribe from VKontakte from a person, how to find out who has unsubscribed, or rather - brazenly threw you into subscribers, how to unsubscribe from VKontakte groups of games and applications. Use knowledge for the benefit of both yourself and people. Good luck

Best regards

Hello ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about painful ?